Sunday, March 08, 2009

Baby's First Black Eye


So far we have been lucky, not a lot of bumps and bruises compared to a lot of kids by this age. It doesn't make me feel any less terrible about her first black eye. It looks worse in real life.
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David Schantz said...

That doesn't look too bad. I'm sure Sydney (Mom & Dad) thought it was traumatic. The 1st is the worst.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

David Schantz said...

I forgot to ask. How did she do that?

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Flummox said...

She fell on a toy, I assume. This is a clumsy age, but she fell on a toy and was screaming bloody murder, and it was noticed shortly after that.

This is the first of many, I'm sure.