Friday, October 16, 2009

Fwd: Iowa puppy mill shutting down - need to place dogs

I got this by email. Apparently the Corgis have already been spoken for. Anybody looking for a nice pet? I'm glad that the puppy mill is closing, but it's sad that they use rescues to clean up
their mess :(


To: (
Subject: Puppy Mill closing - need help placing dogs!

Permission to crosspost!

Hello everyone! We have been contacted by a local couple that is
getting out of what I consider, the puppy mill business. The dogs have
all been kept in kennels and used to have puppies. She has given me a
list of dogs and on top of that she has some more cocker spaniels as
well. As you can imagine, no one has vaccinations, but we can get that
done at a low cost to the receiving rescue, and can try to get as many
spays and neuters at low cost as possible if desired by the receiving
rescue. Here is the list of the dogs that we need to find rescues for.
We are much too small of a rescue to take on this many dogs so any and
all help is greatly appreciated!

Male Welsh Corgi born 6/1/04

Female Welsh Corgi born 5/31/04

2 Female White Toy Poodles 1 1/2 years old

Female Cockapoo 5 years old

Female Saint Bernard born 3/29/07

Female Weimeriner born 9/13/06

Male Weimerdoodle born July of 2009

Female White Miniature Poodle born 1/19/03

Male rat terrier born 2/14/08

Female rat terrier born 2/14/08

Male white toy poodle born 3/19/06

Male black standard poodle born 7/18/07

Male Collie born 5/12/08

Male Wheaton terrier born 7/17/05

Male Wheaten/cocker spaniel mix 2 years old

Shepard/chow/collie mix - age unknown estimated around 3 by owner

Male Yellow lab born 8/16/06

I know this is a big list but any help is appreciated! We just don't
have the room to accommodate all these dogs and the living conditions
of this place from what I am told are not the best.

Thanks everyone!

Amanda Johnson

Rural Iowa Animal Rescue

Rowley, Iowa 52329


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