Thursday, July 02, 2009

Another Tail Injury

Harry was acting like his tail was bothering him again last night. Looked at it, didn't see anything obvious. Tonight he was licking it, but it seemed to bother him less. Looked at it and there was puss coming out of the end. Fabulous!

I wonder if he did something at the kennel over the weekend. Or could it be an insect bite? Wish I still worked at the vet. I don't have the access to radiograph & other medical equipment that I used to. Doh!

I soaked it in hydrogen peroxide. Now the end of his tail will probably turn orange! It looks better. Put on some panalog, too. Hopefully it's just a soft tissue injury. It's really hurting, I can tell.

After the last 8 months, I'm half wishing that Malinois were a docked breed!

Aimee - - Sent from my BlackBerry


Flummox said...

Tail report: looks a bit better this morning, but not great. I have a terrible feeling that he might end up a stubby butt next week :(

David Schantz said...

I'm in hopes that Harry is doing better. Patriots hair color was never changed by hydrogen peroxide. and I used it on him often.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.