Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I might have rabies! Woo hoo!

PROBABLY not, but today has sure been one of the suckier ones that I've had in a while.

A cat came in today half dead with neurological symptoms. It also had some old bite wounds. The cat passed away in our care, but not before making me bleed. The cat will be tested for rabies, and if positive, I'll be the lucky recipient of post exposure rabies injections.

Then it occurs to me, what about breastfeeding Sydney? I called the CDC, and they couldn't give me an answer. I found that VERY odd. Aren't they in charge of this crap? They told me to call the state health department or my own doctor. I called the state, and was put directly through to the state epidemiologist. He told me not to breastfeed, as if it came back positive, Syd would need the injections as well. I'm not particularly worried about her contracting it through the breastmillk even if the cat DOES come back positive. But, I'd really prefer that my 6 month old baby not have to go through post exposure rabies treatment. The epidemiologist also told me it would be at least a week before results came in. I nearly cried. Fortunately, the lab says that results should be back tomorrow night. I'm already supplementing with formula as I just can't pump that much. I worry about how engorged I'll be by the time the results come in.

Keep your fingers crossed that it comes back negative. I want to be able to nurse, and I DON'T WANT SHOTS!!!

1 comment:

David Schantz said...

I hadn't stopped in for a while so I hadn't heard about this one. Have you heard anything yet? Let me know.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.