I had a good morning working at the clinic. Janet, my mother-in-law, wasn't feeling well so Syd went out to my aunt and uncle's place. She loves visiting Val & Terry! Even better, my cousin Nick's kids were visiting, so she got to play with Jac & Diego. I got a few pics of the three of them. Mine was the least cooperative.
After leaving there, Syd and I went to Menard's for dog food. Then we came home and chilled out. I burned a frozen pizza while Nathan was at a bowling tournament. I finished reading the book, Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer, that I started last night. I'll start the fourth and currently last book in the Twilight series when I go to bed. I don't know if this is the last, or the last for now. I've refrained from finding out much about them until I finish this one.
I'm hoping that we can go to the Taco House tomorrow, now that they are open for the season. I figure that this is false hope though.
Yes, I'm so exciting! Wait until you see what kind of adventurous pickles I get myself into tomorrow!
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